Again, we came in to a table of photographs, still life of florals in vases, clay pots, green peppers or onions. I figured as this was a learning class, I should choose something that I had no idea how to paint, curvy peppers it was! What a challenge!!! Again Efren did a demo to get us started with the drawing in thinned oil paint, then blocked in the darks. Off we started. Another demo on blocking in the first layer, more painting time.... Working on a different photo each and not getting up for supplies really intensified our focus. When Efren came around, he pointed out that I had to darken the shadowed areas further and pay less attention to all the shapes in the shadows. In the critique he added a few brighter highlights on my highlights. Top left: Efren's demo, drawing done, now adding colour. Top middle: first round of colour in. Top right: Efren critiquing a floral still life. Bottom left: My painting in progress with the photo above. Bottom middle: Efren critiquing and adding stronger highlights (notice the orientation is different, probably how he took the photo). Bottom middle: the photo in the orientation that I painted it. I had taped it to cut off what I did not want. "Title"
20" x 16", Oil on canvas
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February 2025